Introduction to Wallingford-Swarthmore School District Health Services
Health services are planned to help your child achieve his/her fullest potential in school. A team of health professionals provides services.First aid and health counseling are available to all students during the school year. State mandated health screenings are conducted annually. Vision, height, weight, and body mass index screenings are conducted yearly in all grades. Hearing screening is done in kindergarten and grades one, two, three, seven, and eleven. Mandated scoliosis screenings are done in grades six and seven. Should a problem or potential problem be detected in any of the screenings, parents will be contacted and further evaluation will be recommended.
Pennsylvania State Health Law requires a physical examination upon entrance to school in kindergarten or first grade and again in grades six and eleven. Dental exams are required in kindergarten or first grade and in grades 3 and 7.The Health Services team is composed of certified school nurses, staff nurses, a physician, and a dentist. Please feel free to contact your school nurse regarding health issues that might arise for your child during the school year. If your child has a special health concern, it is recommended that you meet with the school nurse at least once each year.
Meet the Team
NPE & Department Chair - Deb Sweeney, RN, CSN - ext. 4141, dsweeney@wssd.orgSHHS - Sarah Fleming, MSN, MEd, CSN - 2141, sfleming@wssd.org
SHMS - Roxann Gariffo, RN, CSN - ext. 3141, rgariffo@wssd.org
SRS - Linda Kealey, RN, BSN, CSN. Ext- 4541, lkealey@wssd.org
WES - Erin Costa, RN, CSN - ext. 4341, ecosta@wssd.org
Private Schools - Lisa Lashley, RN - llashley@wssd.org
District Pandemic Coordinator - Megan McCullough, ext. 1501, mmccullough@wssd.org