- Wallingford-Swarthmore School District
- Attendance Information
For school specific information (times, phone numbers, email),
Please use the School Specific Attendance Info link here.Attendance Information
Regular school attendance is an essential factor for academic achievement and overall success of students, beginning as early as kindergarten. As such, the state of Pennsylvania mandates strict adherence to attendance and truancy laws and policies by students, families, and public school entities.
*In 2008, a study conducted by the Rodel Community Scholars from Arizona State University tracked students from kindergarten through high school and found that “dropout patterns were linked with poor attendance beginning as early as in kindergarten.” The director of the program, Gregory Hickman, who was also the former director of the Arizona Dropout Initiative, noted that as early as kindergarten, “behavioral differences are apparent between those who go on to graduate and those who drop out, with dropouts missing an average of 124 days by eighth grade.”
*Why Attendance Matters, GreatSchools Staff, October 18, 2018. https://www.greatschools.org/gk/articles/school-attendance-issues/
Please use the links and subsections on the Attendance Information page to access information on general school attendance, excused and unexcused absences, submitting excusal notes, WSSD School Board Policy, the PA School Code, and the rules and procedures for the truancy process.
Parent Portal Instructions