- Wallingford-Swarthmore School District
- Attendance Information
- Guidelines and Policy
Wallingford-Swarthmore School District
Attendance Guidelines and PolicyThe Wallingford-Swarthmore School District enforces the PA School Code and the Student Compulsory Attendance laws that were last revised and implemented by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with the passages of Act 138 of 2016 and Act 39 of 2018. It is essential that every parent/guardian or person in parental relation, having control or charge of any child or children of compulsory school age, is familiar with these regulations, as well as the plans, consequences, and penalties for the violation of attendance requirements.
"Compulsory school age" refers to the period of a child's life from the time they enter school as a beginner (no later than age 8) until the age of seventeen (17), or upon their graduation from high school. The Department of Education and all school districts in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania are obligated to comply with State and Federal requirements (No Child Left Behind Act) for student attendance and truancy. Each school district within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is responsible for monitoring and maintaining attendance records of all students.
In accordance with the Student Compulsory Attendance law, all absences are treated as Unexcused/unlawful until the school district receives and accepts an excusal notification from a parent/guardian explaining the reason for a child's absence. The excuse note must be submitted within three (3) calendar days of the student's absence. Failure to do so can result in the absence being permanently recorded as Unexcused/unlawful. If a student is absent for 3 or more CONSECUTIVE days, these absences require a doctor's note to be reclassified as Excused.
Students who miss ten (10) consecutive school days will be dropped from the active membership unless the school is provided with evidence that the absence is legal.
It is vital that students with physical or mental conditions that lead to sporadic absences over a period of time obtain and give school authorities a Doctor's note describing the condition and amount of time the student is likely to miss. The document must be renewed every 3 months.
Regular, punctual school attendance is an important factor in your child's academic success.
For actions taken regarding Unexcused/unlawful absences, please reference the school board policy, the Truancy Information Pamphlet below, or the Attendance subsection on School Truancy.