- Wallingford-Swarthmore School District
- Assessments
Assessment Overview
The Wallingford Swarthmore School District assesses students in various ways to help support all students both academically and socio emotionally. Assessments can be used for a variety of purposes, some assessments are used for charting general progress, some are state mandated and others are used for very specific uses such as special education or gifted identification. Both the Office of Curriculum and Education and the Office of Student Services collaboratively partners to help determine district assessment needs and oversee the administration of assessments in accordance with federal and state guidelines, assessment administration requirements and school building calendar. The Office of Students Services oversees the following concerning assessment:
- Testing accommodations for District benchmark and/or diagnostic testing for exceptional students and students with 504 plans
- Testing accommodations for State Standardized Assessments for exceptional students and students with 504 plans
- Administration and coordination of the Pennsylvania Alternative State Assessment with Dynamic Learning Maps (PASA/DLM)
- Evaluation for the identification of Gifted and/or Special Education needs