• Our Homeroom Class Schedule

    8:45 - 9:00, Morning Meeting

    9:00 - 9:30, Read Aloud

    9:30 - 10:30, Math Workshop

    10:30 - 11:00, CE I

    11:05 - 11:50, Recess/Lunch

    11:50 - 12:00, Quiet Time

    12:00 - 12:45, FUNdations

    12:50 - 1:15, CE II

    1:20 - 2:05, Specials

    2:10-2:40, Snack + Pack/Recess

    2:40 - 3:15, Social Studies/Science/Writing

    3:20, Dismissal

    *CE (Core Extension) is a built-in time in our daily

    schedule where no new content is taught. This is when

    students receive small group and pull-out support.



    Specialist Area Class Schedule

    • Music - Days 3, 7, 11 
        • with Mrs. Urban
    • Library/Guidance - Days 4, 8, 12
      • Guidance lesson takes place of Library on Day 12
        • with Ms. Goldman (Library)
        • with Mrs. Schwam (Guidance)
    • Phys. Ed. - Days 1, 5, 9 
        • with Mr. B
    • Art - Days 2, 6, 10 
        • with Mrs. Benamy