September 2022
Dear Family,
Welcome back! I'm looking forward to sharing a stimulating and satisfying year with your child, filled with new friends and new experiences. Please allow me the opportunity to make some requests and suggestions to make our beginning weeks go as smoothly as possible.
There are several ways you can get a message to me throughout the day. Please understand that it isn't always possible for me to respond to a letter, e-mail, or a phone call immediately, so if it is an emergency, please let the office know or let your child know that a note is to be given to me as soon as they enter the classroom. Otherwise, you may simply leave a note in your child’s homework folder; call school and ask to leave a message; or e-mail me at school during the day at: ldiprosperos@wssd.org.
If you must take your child out of school before the end of the day, send a note with them that morning. You can also notify the office that you will be taking them out early and they will let me know.
SpecialsWe are using a 12 day rotating schedule this year. Music class will be held on days “1, 5, and 9”, Library on days “2 and 10” with Guidance in the Library on day "6", Physical Education will be held on days “3, 7, and 11” (please have your child either wear or bring sneakers on these days), and Art class will be held on days “4, 8, and 12”.
Lunch will be at 11:05. Please make sure your child eats a healthy breakfast and provide a small nutritious snack for the afternoon. Junk food such as chips, candy, cookies and soda are discouraged.
HomeworkEach night, your child will be responsible for 10-15 min. of reading. If you have time, talk about the book your child is reading. Please encourage your child to read every night. The more your child reads, the better a reader they will become. Keep the reading fun!
In addition to reading each night, your child may have varied assignments in math, spelling, science, or language arts. Please check to see that your child completes all of their work neatly. Also, be sure to check your child's backpack each night for any important papers or messages.
Finally, you can also find additional information about the happenings in school and our class by visiting the NPE web site and my teacher web page.
Thank you so much for your help and cooperation!
Lauren DiProsperos
(Mrs. D.)