- Nether Providence Elementary School
- About Nether Providence Elementary School
About Nether Providence Elementary School
Nether Providence Elementary School opened its doors for the first time in 1939. Throughout the years, the school has gone through a myriad of changes. However, during these many years, several things have remained constant. Nether Providence Elementary School started out as a neighborhood school and, today, it continues to embody the ideals of the neighborhood school. An ambitious construction/renovation project was completed in the 2014-2015 school year, resulting in a modern facility which outfits classrooms with the latest advancements in instructional technology. A brand new library, gym, music, and art room were also constructed to ensure that the NPE students are provided state of the art facilities.
Nether Providence Elementary School has always been a school with a distinguished reputation for excellence and an incredibly strong connection to its community. In 1996, Nether Providence Elementary School was recognized for excellence in education as a “Blue Ribbon School” by the United States Department of Education.The school emphasizes a classroom organization structure which promotes individual student success through academic progress. Dedicated faculty, staff, and parents create an atmosphere in which all children feel secure and where the needs of each and every child are at the heart of the curriculum.The academic program is designed to help students fully realize their learning potential. Toward that end, a broad range of programs is in place, thus enabling teachers to respond effectively to students’ individual learning styles. The basic curriculum includes instruction in language arts (reading, writing, speaking and listening), mathematics, science, social studies, art, music, and physical education. Students also have the opportunity to participate in chorus and instrumental music instruction beginning in grade four.
The elementary guidance counselor, instructional support teacher, librarian, and reading specialists collaborate with classroom teachers to provide an educational program focused on children’s needs. Special classes and services provide reading intervention, support students with learning disabilities, and provide speech, physical, and occupational therapy. English language learners receive a range of supports. Gifted students receive programming to address their individual learning needs.
Students have access to a technology center, as well as computers in every classroom. Teachers use the technology lab weekly as they integrate technology throughout the curriculum.
School-home communication is vital to our school’s success. Parent-teacher conferences are formally scheduled two times per year and report cards are issued twice per year. Parents can avail themselves of a wide variety of volunteer opportunities.
Parents are always welcome to visit classrooms to become better acquainted with teachers, staff members, and school facilities. Parents are encouraged to contact their child’s teacher or principal with any questions or concerns.
Points of Pride
NPE maintains achievement scores well above state averages in English Language Arts, Math, and Science PSSAs. Nether Providence Elementary School has been designated for the 2015 school year as a Title I High Progress Reward School. The designation as a High Progress Reward School is given to only the highest 5% of Title I eligible schools, and is based on aggregate progress in closing the achievement gap in Reading and Math based on PSSA testing. These results were highlighted by 4th grade scores in math, reading, and science, which outperformed state, local, and county-wide averages.
NPE benefits from strong support and partnership with parents. Parent volunteers support numerous school events as well as instructional programs throughout the year. The PTO has supported important programs that benefit student learning. The first annual STEM night was held in February 2016, drawing over 180 students in attendance. The entire event was organized and facilitated by NPE parents who shared their expertise in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
NPE placed 2nd overall in the DCIU annual STEM Design Challenge. Over 60 teams from across Delaware County entered designs for the challenge. Teams were judged on creativity and performance design. NPE has placed in the top three twice during the three-year existence of the competition.
At the 2016 Reading Olympic Competition, NPE students received two blue ribbons, the highest award for students in the competition. Students answered questions from over 45 required reading books. This year marked the highest level of accuracy ever achieved by NPE students participating in the competition.
At the 2016 Read Across America Family Literacy Night, attendance exceeded 500 parents, teachers, and students. Parent volunteers assist in organizing assemblies which enrich the academic program. During the 2015-2016 school year, students have been entertained and educated by the Franklin Institute, Great Valley Nature Center, and Storyteller Bill Wood.
Students at NPE receive character education through the Pillars of Character, which include Trustworthiness, Fairness, Caring, Respect, and Responsibility. Quarterly assemblies are organized by students which highlight the importance of displaying these character traits on a daily basis in and out of the classroom. The 2015-2016 service project embodied these ideals by raising over $1,000 to support the Garden City Fire Company.