• About Swarthmore-Rutledge School

  • Swarthmore-Rutledge School is among a select group of elementary schools nationwide to receive the designation of Blue Ribbon school from the United States Department of Education. Swarthmore-Rutledge School provides a positive, nurturing environment which helps foster student success by encouraging a love of learning. Our fundamental aim is to help prepare our young people for the whole of life, both today and tomorrow. We seek to provide our students with a rich and challenging educational program which will help them to develop the knowledge, skills, and habits of mind to participate in our diverse and changing world. Throughout our school, there is an emphasis on developmental and academic growth, high expectations, and a deep appreciation for the arts. There is a significant level of parent involvement in all facets of school life.

    Interaction with our school's six sending communities and a working partnership with Swarthmore College are important resources that offer unique learning experiences that enrich student life.

    The academic program is designed to help students to fully realize their learning potential. To that end, a broad range of programs and resources are in place, thus enabling teachers to respond effectively to students' individual learning styles. The basic curriculum includes instruction in language arts (reading, writing, speaking, and listening), mathematics, science, social studies, art, music, and physical education. Students also have the opportunity to participate in chorus and instrumental music instruction.

    The elementary guidance counselor, instructional support teacher, librarian, and reading specialist collaborate with classroom teachers to provide an educational program focused on children's needs. Special classes and services include reading intervention, speech and language therapy, physical and occupational therapy, English Language Learner (ELL) tutoring, support for students with learning disabilities, and enrichment.
    Instructional technology is integrated seamlessly across the grade levels. A variety of rich cultural programs are brought into the school, and curriculum-based field trips provide opportunities for students to explore local and regional cultural sites and resources.
    School-home communication is vital to our school's success. Parent-teacher conferences are formally scheduled two times per year and report cards are issued twice per year. Additionally, parents are always welcome to visit classrooms to become better acquainted with teachers, staff members, and school facilities. Parents are encouraged to contact their child's teacher or principal whenever questions or concerns arise.